Ah summer. When I was a kid summer was THE BEST. School was out, the weather was great, there were more things to do and everyone had plenty of time. I grew up in Michigan, and summer was definitely my favorite time of year. I remember swimming and bonfires and camping and FOOD. It was magical. We even ate differently in the summer. Fresh fruits and vegetables were plentiful, whereas they really weren't even available throughout the rest of the year.

As I grew older I somehow lost that summer magic. I moved to southern California with my husband and 3 kids, and summer became just another season, so much like the other seasons. I did my best to create the magic while my kids were young, but by the time they were grown it was gone.

Last year I caught myself dreading summer, and actually heard myself saying the words, "I hate summer." I realized it was time for an intervention. I made a "Summer To Do List" and forced myself to get out there and have fun. I went to the beach, enjoyed Shakespeare in the park, picnicked, swam, watched movies under the stars and ate homemade lavender ice cream AND recruited lots of friends and family to do it all with me. Summer was back! It was such a valuable lesson, as I learned that I have to continue to create my life, my fun.

So as June 21st approaches I've started my new Summer To Do List. I really don't need it anymore, but I'll keep it there as a reminder to create, to enjoy, to have fun.

This blog is part of that. Those of you who know me know that I love good food, and I love to share it with people I love. In an effort to try new things and eat healthily, I've challenged myself to make and share 60 Salads of Summer. My daughter Danica, who is a very creative cook, is helping me. And we're looking forward to sharing the fruits of our labor. I can't promise they'll all be healthy, but I can promise they'll all be delicious. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

26. Avocado, Corn and Tomato Salad with Honey Lime Dressing

One of my favorite summer activities includes movies under the stars in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery.  Cinespia has been screening movies on the Fairbanks Lawn for 12 years.  The movies are old favorites, you pack a picnic and grab a bottle of wine and a blanket and join 6000 of your closest friends.

I’m always in charge of the picnic.  Sometimes I go with a theme (Italian food and wine with “Roman Holiday,”  Pub fare and Newcastle Ale with “American Werewolf in London.”  Tonight we saw “Empire Records.”  I wasn’t feeling a theme, so I opted for summer favorites:  sliders, melon, chips and a salad filled with summer flavors that travel well.  

The thing about packing up a salad for a picnic is that it doesn’t always work out.  If you dress it ahead of time, it can get soggy by the time you’re ready to eat.  If you wait, it’s a hassle to cart along the dressing and try to toss outside.  This salad was perfect picnic fare.  Fresh sweet corn and cool avocado stood up well to the honey lime dressing.  This is a wonderful summer salad.


1 pint grape tomatoes, cut in half
2 ripe avocados, cubed
2 ears of fresh sweet corn, removed from the cob
2 Tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped


Juice of 1 lime plus zest
3 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp honey
1/2 tsp each sea salt and freshly ground pepper
1 clove garlic, minced
Dash of cayenne pepper

Combine the dressing ingredients in a small bowl or jar with a lid and shake or whisk until well blended.  Pour over ingredients and toss.  Let it sit for 10-15 minutes or more to let the flavors mingle.  Can be made and refrigerated a few hours ahead of time.

Makes 1 quart

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